Ways to Handle Arguments:

Smily Arora
3 min readJul 5, 2022

Fights or general disagreements are usual things in any relationship. They make relationships stronger as the both parties understand each other’s triggers points. However, there are some cases when its’s difficult to understand one’s feelings which can make things ugly on day-to-day basis. So, here are five useful tips those can help one to avoid or handle the arugments:

  1. Low your pitch: The first and the most important point is to make your voice low, so you can understand what the next person is trying to explain. Never raise your voice unnecessarily; it only shows you are overdominant, and you will not listen to the other person. So, deal with politeness; you would understand both perspectives.
  2. Give Respect: Respect is the foundation of every relationship. Being older or more experienced in life doesn’t mean that you get offensive and become rude. This would only create more trouble between the two of you. So, it is necessary to consider each others’ ideas with some respect and try not to hurt the sentiments of ones by getting more offensive.
  3. Stop picking the past: In any kind of relationship, there are always two things: Forgiveness and Forgetting. Once a thing has been forgiven or forgotten, then one should not remind those events again and again in any kind of argument. This would only let your point on top, nevertheless, the next person may not be able to explain his/her view, just because he/she is again guilty of the past mistake. Also, he/she might feel that you would leave or judge him/her if he/she would make a valid point.
  4. Think before getting indulged in an argument: Ask yourself that is this topic needs small talk or if you want to extend it more. An argument never starts on its own, it always needs two or more people to commence it. When two different perspectives do not match, one can start raising a finger on his/her opposer, but eventually, things turn into fire, and it burns every emotion that you build before. Hence, it’s important to think about whether to only have a general talk or you want to make a strong point.
  5. Don’t cross your boundaries: There should always be a limit before speaking harsh and abusive words in an intense argument. If there are two opposite opinions, it doesn’t mean that one can hurt and judge the next person’s personal life. To win the point, it would be a selfish decision if one starts hurting the next person. Therefore, whatever the disagreement is! it should only be at a certain point.

All in all, disagreements on a daily basis do not make things better; however, they create surroundings toxic for both individuals. Furthermore, in this type of relationship, you try to blame, disrespect, and show a lack of compassion. If one wants to build a healthy relationship with anyone as a solution, there is a need to control such triggered points when general talks get worse.

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