Five practical life tips that can be of great help

Smily Arora
3 min readMay 24, 2023
Challenges are a part of life!

We are all aware that challenges are an integral part of life. They are unavoidable, and eventually, we must accept and face them. However, there are a few essential things to keep in mind every day:

1. Prioritize your mental health: Your mental well-being is crucial, as it is often influenced by your thoughts and experiences. Negative words and arguments can harm your mental health, leaving you feeling weak, vulnerable, and lacking confidence. Therefore, it is important to protect your mental health. Focus on the positive aspects of life and employ these strategies to avoid falling into negative patterns:
— Change the topic immediately.
— Write down your thoughts.
— Reflect on why a particular topic is important to discuss.
— Read inspiring books.
— Seek guidance from a counselor.

2. Remain committed to your goals: Aim to achieve greatness in your life and never forget what you aspire to become. Money and luxury do not come solely through wishful thinking; hard work and taking action are essential. To attain your goals, follow these steps:
— Set realistic plans and objectives.
— Draft a plan before taking action.
— Consider time and budget estimates.

3. Establish your priorities: Failing to set priorities correctly can impact various aspects of your daily life. While work is important, you must determine the right balance. Some people become so consumed by their schedules that they forget about other areas of life. Strive for balance by considering the following:
— Avoid working on weekends.
— Spend quality time with family.
— Surprise your loved ones with special dates.
— Dedicate time to personal goals.

4. Value your spouse: Our relationships with our families are predetermined, and we love them throughout our lives. However, the choice to be with a spouse is unique and lifelong. Over time, love can fade, and priorities may shift, leading couples to feel disconnected and trapped in a cycle of compromise, with nothing but disappointment and regret. Therefore, it is vital to take this relationship seriously. Follow these simple guidelines to keep each other happy:
— Spend weekends together.
— Express love through frequent messages.
— Surprise each other with gifts and date nights.
— Foster a positive environment for open communication.
— Engage in shared hobbies.
— Express love and affection regularly.
— Face future challenges with confidence in your relationship, finances, and life.

5. Step out of your comfort zone at least once: I’m not suggesting you become an adventurer, but taking a leap of faith to achieve a goal is essential. People who take risks often reap great rewards. If you remain in one place, constantly thinking, “I wish I could have pursued a career in a different country,” you will never fulfill that desire unless you take action and take a risk. To achieve this, remember the following:
— Maintain confidence in yourself.
— Work hard and think critically.
— Remember that wealth is not solely measured by money; honing your skills is equally important.
— Prepare your mindset to take that leap.

I hope these life tips prove valuable and play a significant role in your journey. See you again!

